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38 resultados para ijtema en todos

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Ver ijtema en vídeos (8)
Dhaka, Bangladesh - 20 January 2023: Aerial view of people worshipping at Global Muslims Congregation in Tongi, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Drone View of Bishwa Ijtema in Tongi, Dhaka, Bangladesh. The huge Ijtema tent on the banks of the River Turag near Dhaka. Bishwa Ijtema
Poor kids are bathing happily in the sunset in the river of Ijtema, Children are enjoying the beauty of the river
Aerial Skyline of Tongi Bazar, Gazipur, Bangladesh
Dhaka, Bangladesh - 20 January 2023: Aerial view of people worshipping at Global Muslims Congregation in Tongi, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Dhaka, Bangladesh - 20 January 2023: Aerial view of people worshipping at Global Muslims Congregation in Tongi, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Dhaka, Bangladesh - 20 January 2023: Aerial view of people worshipping at Global Muslims Congregation in Tongi, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Poor children are bathing happily in the Turag river of Ijtema, Children enjoying the beauty of the river