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88.395 resultados para aircraft picture en todos

Ver aircraft picture en vídeos (4978)
Man paint spraying on an aircraft fuselage, slowmotion, 3
A worker in a white protective suit with a hood and a respirator paints the wing of an airplane with paint from a bullet gun.
Engineer, technician examines the jet engine with a flashlight. The repair of aircraft in the hangar. Maintenance of aircraft. 4k
Airplane fly-by-wire, Aircraft with electronic interface
Master repairs the engine of a passenger aircraft 4k.
Detail door of green military helicopter being painted in spray booth. combat or civilian helicopter is being prepared for painting in special light chamber in hangar. Renewal of aircraft paint
A worker in a white protective suit with a hood and a respirator paints the wing of an airplane with paint from a bullet gun.
Aircraft animation: Plane animation depicts parked aircraft in hangar.
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Workers repairing and maintenance aircraft jet machine