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30 resultados para amputated index finger em vídeos

Você quis dizer: índex Singer
White adult male with partial amputation to the index finger of the right hand showing movement in the stump.
Shocked hispanic woman, an amputee, standing worried over pink isolated background. pointing nervously aside, expression filled with concern and surprise.
Metal cyborg robotic arm points index finger into viewer. Metal shines, black background, 60 fps animation.
Male with a partially amputated index finger on his right hand slices a patato with a knife.
Adult white Caucasian male with a partially amputated left hand index finger  writing a to do list on a lined A5 spiral note book.
Male with a partially amputated index finger on his right hand putting a red bull dog clip on some white strips of paper
White adult male with partial amputation to the index finger of the right hand showing movement in the stump.
Male with a partially amputated index finger on his right hand putting a red bull dog clip on some white strips of paper
Male with a partially amputated index finger on his right hand sat down holding a pen and pad  writing a to do list.
Male with a partially amputated index finger on his right hand cutting strips of white paper diagonally with a pair of blue handled scissor#orrs
Male with a partially amputated index finger on his right hand removes the lid from a glass jar
Male with a partially amputated index finger on his right hand sat down holding a pen and pad  writing a to do list.
Male with a partially amputated index finger on his right hand stood buttoning up a green shirt.
Male with a partially amputated index finger on his right hand buttoning up a green shirt.
Male with a partially amputated index finger on his right hand sat down holding a pen and pad  writing a to do list.
Male with a partially amputated index finger on his right hand putting a blue paper clip on som strips of white paper
Male with a partially amputated index finger on his right hand sat down holding a pen and pad  writing a to do list.
Male with a partially amputated index finger on his right hand sat down holding a pen and pad  writing a to do list.
Male with a partially amputated index finger on his right hand peels a patato.
Male with a partially amputated index finger on his right hand diceing a patato with a knife..
Male with a partially amputated index finger on his right hand sat down holding a pen and pad  writing a to do list.
Male with a partially amputated index finger on his right hand tieing a neck tie.
Male with a partially amputated index finger on his right hand buttoning a white shirt.
Male with a partially amputated index finger on his right hand stood buttoning up a green shirt.
Male with a partially amputated index finger on his right hand putting the lid on a glass jar.
Male with a partially amputated index finger on his right hand sat down holding a pen and pad  writing a to do list.
Metal cyborg robotic arm points index finger into viewer. Metal shines. Abstract dark background. 60 fps animation with alpha matte.
Adult white Caucasian male with a partially amputated left hand index finger uses a screwdriver to screw a screw in to a piece of wood.
Male with a partially amputated index finger on his right hand sat down on the stairs tying his shoe laces.
Metal cyborg robotic arm points index finger into viewer. Metal shines. Abstract dark background. 60 fps animation with alpha matte.